Sitspot Practice

What Is A Sitspot Practice?

Learn how to facilitate sitspot meditation practices and teach different forms of meditation that can be done outside.

Here’s how building a sitspot meditation practice works:

1. Choose a spot near your home.

I recommend finding a sitspot in your backyard or somewhere within a 10 minute from your house so you can build a connection with the land where you live.

2. Find a place with some wildlife activity.

Sit somewhere where you can listen to the birds and see different forms of wildlife if you can.

3. Choose somewhere safe and quiet.

Find somewhere peaceful where you won’t be disturbed by other people so you can let down your guard and let go of the compulsive thoughts that fill your mind.

4. Turn off your smartphone.

To build a sitspot meditation ritual, I recommend turning your smartphone off if you want to go deep into presence and tuning your senses into the natural world.

5. Mindfully explore your senses

Sit for at least 10-15 minutes and notice the beauty of nature all around you without judging, labelling or comparing them.

6. Make notes about your experience.

Write some notes or sketch things that caught your attention and sparking your curiosity during your sit.