The Day Of The Dead Mushroom Foraging And Hiking Retreat

Celebrate the Day of the Dead weekend with an unforgettable ecotourism experience involving mushroom foraging, hiking and exploring the cloud forests between the Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanos.

Join The Experience

Friday, November 1st to Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
Amecameca near Mexico City

The Day Of The Dead Mushroom Foraging And Hiking Retreat

“Life is not separate from death. It only looks that way.” – Blackfoot proverb

Escape the crowds in Mexico City during the busy Day of the Dead weekend and come on a mindful hiking adventure exploring ancient Mexican indigenous traditions of death and rebirth.

We will ascend into the cloud forests between the twin volcanos Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl which tower over Mexico City. Our guides will be Mexican biologist and adventurer Raul Gomez Trejo Perez and Mexican herbalist and elder teacher Dña Gloria.

Raul has spent over 2 decades exploring the unique forest ecology in the highland forests around Mexico City and Dña Gloria specializes in mushroom foraging and the traditional herbalist traditions of Mexico.

Dña Gloria will guide us on a mushroom foraging hike, we will return to cook the mushrooms together over the fire and in the evening we will visit a cemetery with locals celebrating the Day of the Dead.

We will explore the symbolism and rituals behind Día de los Muertos and how it revolves around the duality of life and death along with the importance of honouring the ancestors and the sacred circle of life.

What You Will Learn On This Group Adventure:

Here’s what you will learn on this mindful hiking adventure:

  • Discover the important ecological role of fungi, mushrooms and mycelium as an invisible web of life crucial for recycling, regeneration and the rebirth of life as fertile layers of topsoil.
  • Explore the roots of the Day of the Dead celebrations in ancient Pagan festivals celebrated by the indigenous tribes of both Spain and Mexico for millennia.
  • Learn how important Mesoamerican trance-inducing herbs such as Calea Zacatechichi, Sinicuichi, Cacao, Morning Glory, Peyote and Psilocybe Aztecorum have shaped the indigenous art, spirituality and cultures of Mexico.
  • Discover mindfulness techniques to open your heart and expand your senses so you can feel heightened awe, childlike wonder and deep connection with something greater than yourself.
  • Learn about the history and mythologies of the Aztecs and the Nahuatl-speaking peoples like the Mexica who celebrated reincarnation with sacred mushroom ceremonies on the Día de los Muertos.

The Retreat Agenda

The Day of the Dead Mushroom Foraging And Hiking Retreat:


Opening Fire And Breathwork Ritual

Pick up in downtown Mexico City at 5:00 pm.

We will drive in a shuttle bus to the town of Amecameca and then up into the cloud forests, which is a 2-hour scenic route to the east of Mexico City.

We will settle in at the Amecameca retreat center with a fire and a guided breathwork imitation ritual to kickoff the experience.

Pachamama Village Sunset
Mexico Mushroom Foraging

Mushroom Foraging And The Day of the Dead Cemetery Visits

We will then meet Dña Gloria, our mushroom foraging guide. We will spend the day with her foraging for mushrooms and learning about the ancient plant and mushroom traditions of Mexico.

Afterwards, we will cook our mushrooms together with her and have a traditional Mexican dinner together.

After dinner, we will do a group Yoga Nidra session to relax and recharge before visiting a series of local cemeteries where locals honour their ancestors and sleep among their gravestones to celebrate the Day of the Dead.

In the early morning hours after midnight when the group is tired we will return to the local retreat centre to sleep.


Morning Volcano Hike And Sacred Temezcal Ceremony

We will start the day with a healthy breakfast together.

Then we will do a hike on the volcano with sweeping views of Mexico City to the west and Puebla to the east in the fertile valleys below (9 am to 3 pm).

In the late afternoon, we will attend a Temazcal ceremony. A Temazcal is a ceremony steeped in Mexico’s indigenous heritage that involves a traditional sweat lodge for health and therapeutic benefits.

After the ceremony, we will have dinner together and in the evening we will drive back to Mexico City.

Group Ceremony
Mexico Retreat Centre

About The Accomodations

We will be staying a beautiful property just outside of the town of Amecameca with a huge deck and hot tub overlooking both Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanos.

The property has a huge fireplace for evening bonfires under the stars and a hammock area for relaxing with a spectacular view of nature.

Mexican Cuisine

The Cuisine

Experience the traditional indigenous food of Mexico and its roots in the local landscape and history. Learn some of the sacred medicinal herbs used in Mexico for dream invocation, trances and deep relaxation.

Experience The 3 Pillars of Mindful Ecotourism:

You will walk away with a deep understanding of these 3 pillars of Mindful Ecotourism.

1. Mindful Awareness

Step into a world of awe and wonder with mindful awareness practices that help you get out of your head and into a state of heartfelt immersion.

2. Experiential Learning

Learn about the flora, fauna and fungi through experiential learning activities that make learning about the interconnected web of life an unforgettable adventure.

3. Community Building

Make lifelong friends while discovering group storytelling and team building practices you can use to build your community by learning about your local ecosystem.

What’s Included?

  • 2 nights accommodation in a peaceful retreat overlooking the twin volcanos
  • Saturday and Sunday breakfasts, lunches and dinners with local flavors.
  • Mushroom foraging and hikes exploring the local history, mythology and the flora, fauna and fungi.
  • Special gift upon arrival.
  • Transportation from Mexico City and for activities and outings.

What’s Not Included?

  • Additional spa / massage services
  • Additional optional activities
  • Souvenir shopping
  • Wine / alcohol
  • Personal, medical or trip cancellation insurance
  • Air transportation
Mexico Mushroom Foraging Retreat

Friday, November 1st to Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
Amecameca near Mexico City

The Day Of The Dead Mushroom Foraging And Hiking Retreat

Celebrate the Day of the Dead weekend with an unforgettable ecotourism experience involving mushroom foraging, hiking and exploring the cloud forests between the Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanos.

Your Investment:

We offer two options depending for accommodation:

Private Room ($500 USD)

Shared Room ($400 USD)

A deposit of $100 is included with all registration fees and is required to reserve your spot by October 1st, 2024.

Cancellation Policy:

A $100 deposit is required at the time of registration. Deposits are refundable until October 1st, 2024 with written request, any cancellation received after will be 100% non-refundable.

Trip cancellation insurance is always recommended. You can use our suggested Travel Guard Insurance online and choose from several policy options.

How To Sign Up:

Secure your spot now with a $100 deposit before this once-in-a-lifetime experience sells out.

About The Meeting Location

Inexpensive flights are available from across Canada and the United States to Mexico City’s Benito Juárez International Airport.

We will meet near downtown Mexico City at the Chapultepec Metro Station on Friday morning and drive to the Pachamama Village between the two volcanos.

This is an easy metro station to access in the heart of Mexico City. The exact details for the meeting location and time will be provided when you register for the Day of the Dead Mushroom Foraging And Hiking Retreat.