Mindful Hiking

What Is Mindful Hiking?

Mindful hiking guiding involves teaching participants how to tune into their senses, let go of the pre-conceptions of their analytical mind and tap into the effortless awareness of awe and wonder.

While so much of mass tourism today involves stopping at a parking lot, walking a few hundred feet to get a photo and then returning to the vehicle, mindful hiking involves unplugging from the world for full immersive experience in the wild.

Learning mindful hiking teaches you how to facilitate transformative hiking experiences that combine ecotherapy, mindfulness and peak experiences of awe, flow and nondual awareness.

Nondual awareness involves tuning into the spacious sense of awe felt outdoors and coming to the transformative realization that who you are really are is awareness itself and that awareness is shared by all living sentient beings.

While most of environmentalism and the climate crisis politics focused on guilt and shaming people into action, we restore our childlike awe and reverence for nature is what will inspire a new generation to build an ecological civilization where humans live in balance and harmony with nature again.